Though both are considered Orthodontics, Orthopedics is usually initiated earlier in an effort to assure more favorable facial growth and jaw structure. It is known that only 18-20% of malocclusion in children is genetic. This implies that the remaining 80% of poor bites arise due to environmental factors i.e., poor tongue position, mouth breathing, allergies, or enlarged tonsils and adenoids. As these influences act upon the developing lower face almost from birth, it is important to try to counteract these negative influences early to allow for normal development. Functional orthopedics is usually therapy of short duration, may involve removable appliances and often makes more extensive therapy (braces) unnecessary. Well timed functional therapy can have an astounding influence on your child’s development often discouraging mouth breathing, poor sleep habits and a slow physical growth pattern.

Orthodontics, more classically involves the use of braces that are bonded to the teeth. These braces allow us to control the teeth more accurately so that we can rectify their relationship to one another and create that beautiful smile.

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